Monday, September 26, 2011

G5 PhpSHell V1.6 2011

G5 PhpSHell V1.6 2011 Introduction:

Tool is designed for penetration testing, that's enabling you to control access Web server that is running tool on it. Is lifting tool on directory of web server and then call it by the link from the browser. 

Tool is running over TCP connection between you and the server.

A new concept for Shell Script:

I think a shell script tool is not for Attack only , but they are an effective tool to detect internal weaknesses for server security of and websites, It certainly is an important tool for any security expert for web servers and crackers together, which it is only tool capable of exploring the weaknesses of the internal servers and sites in practice.


In fact I was hesitant a lot in the last year before starting the project’ Many reasons, including the famous works provide a tools for the same purpose Such as C99, R57 ..etc

However, after analysis the source code for the tools , I found that the time has has passed, firstly the tools it has become so famous, and all the protections disrupt their work revealed

Which also prompted me to program this tool is that all the tools in the arena now somewhat outdated, as it has not been developed to suit the ongoing evolution of the security of web servers,

Because many of it don't have the functions and tactics to avoid Advanced protection and adopted the tactics and functions have become known to all the protections

Adopted in this version a little bit away from the tradition, and use of new tactics to bypass some of the protections, with exclusive tools with built shell tool.

Also provides support for the new version of PHP6. For the first time , full support all common databases, the following:: MySQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2.

Scientific Secretariat: 95% of the source code writing private by me, and the rest I thank the owners within the tool. Features: - Contains all the basic functions and a lot of new additions.

- New > Dealing with all databases (MySQL, MsSQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle , DB2).

- Contains exclusive ideas and tactics .

- bypass protection by exclusive ways.

- Sophisticated platform to discover the weak points on external servers as exploit scanner.

- A files browser able to access files to users , In some cases root folder without barriers.

- Special options for dealing with forums and other popular script.

- Brief contains the important tools with exclusive ideas.

- upload the files to the server, even in safe mode by three methods.

- transfer the entire user folder to another user by push a button.

- five Professional ways for the drag any file.

- A special system to mass index for databases and files.

- Register directly to Zone-H. - For the first time stylish and attractive design.

- Exhaustive search tools and advanced

- Find out more ...

Download: 4shared mediafire

Piaster® Shell & Malicious Files Scanner V1.5 2011

Piaster® Shell & Malicious Files Scanner V1.5 2011

Definition :

What is (Piaster® SMFS)? :

An effective tool to detect malicious files and malicious codes on your site with all the flexibility and confidence, and provide you with many options for scanning with full control management over your files , is also characterized by high speed to accomplish the task compared to other screening programs.


What if the shell scripts, shell bots or other hacker files were put in the users directory?

Tool designed specifically for the site managers who are on the shared servers where is it the only tool now available, which operate outside the powers of root server, that is giving you the ability to clean up your site by yourself from malicious files, which help destroy your site or may harm your users with ease and professionalism.

A virus scanner and firewall DO NOT offer any protection in this area. Web application firewalls like mod_security do not even help. This is why we have developed this product exclusively for hosting companies, server owners and webmasters, to Add a new level of protection to your server and clients.

The tool is designed to suit all users:

Several features of the tool is flexible enough to accomplish the mission where we have provided many of the pure test methods that can find the files encrypted code and all, that when you use advanced scanning method, as we have opened up for you auto-update the tool and future upgrades.

- 26 smart way to scan.

- Full cPanel and DirectAdmin support.

- Working in an emergency very quickly.

- And a modern user interface easy to use.

- Scan all home user directory.

- Consume fewer resources on the server compared to other scanning programs.

- Working on the PHP platform and thus can work on all platforms without restrictions.

- Exclusive idea the tool have not been implemented by this way.

Now you get double the protection in every file scanned or uploaded.

Reduce Hacked Sites Reduce the amount of hacked websites on your server, increase customer satisfaction.

log file and file quarantine are included in the options.

Low Resource Usage Fast and accurate, you won't notice the scanner affecting system performance.

Automatic Updates for scanner database & updates tool for latest version

Upcoming version:

+ Development the scan engine for specific malicious files.

+ Stop uploads malicious files.

+ E-mail alerts .

+ Scans both FTP and script based file uploads.

+Schedule scan account for malicious files.

+ Custom rules file, you can add your own rules for your specific server

+ File Quarantine - move suspicious files for further investigation

+ Automatically delete infected files upon upload

Installation Guide within the file (Arabic).


Piaster Hash Cracker v2.1-2011

Piaster Hash Cracker v2.1-2011

Is a tool for generating and crack the following hashes

MD5 + MySQL + SHA1 + CRC32

The tool depends Brute Force technique and random generation systematic method, It also allows to deal with rainbow tables Technology , works on PHP platform.

The tool contains several different ways to generate passwords and then encrypted

And search within the database for hash matching.

New in version:

- Add new extension to load ready password list files of various extensions such as txt, html ... etc

- correct eight errors in the previous release.
- Correct length of MySQL hash for Unix and Windows Systems between the systems , Windows and Unix.
- Structure design to become more flexible

- Slight modification to the interface to be more attractive.
- Increase the speed in the search tool.
- Add external queries to display information from generated passwords database.

Added the new version after treatment and improvements is a stable version work reliably on it.
Contains all essential task requirements

Next release:
- The ability to save passwords outside database, such as TEXT files and XML.
- Compile files in a single file for easy handling with the tool.
- Add additional Hashes.
- Add a special section for generating passwords without treatment to be used as password list for Brute force Programs.
- And some other surprise in a timely manner.

Facility with the tool .


W.dll® Databases Firewall System V1.1

W.dll® Databases Firewall System V1.1

What is (W.dll® DBFS)? :

advanced firewall System to protect your databases from intrusion and tampering

Where the work of the firewall separating the working scripts and databases as they relate to be contacted by the system after making sure the reliability of the script, also hiding the database contact information (configuration files).

The idea had not been implemented exclusively ,and thus the only System in its field is capable of protecting your data from intrusion rules of procedure and the hacker kids.


- Does not affect the speed of scripts at all.

- Works alongside any script use databases.

- protecting databases from children hacker.

- Prevents the internal penetration sites.

- Prevent access to databases .

- Automatic chapter to the rules of the protected data in case files manipulation program.

- Hides the contact details of the connection files (configuration files).

- The ability to protect all script in few steps.

- The ability to change the contact details of the rules through the tool supplied with the program.

- Work on all platforms (servers).

- Procedures for installation work automatically once you start.

- Easy installation, requiring minutes at most.

- Interface in three languages Arabic, English, French.

Idea in the beta stage, but I promise to issue stronger and more reliable.

Facility with the tool installation file



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