Monday, September 26, 2011

Piaster Hash Cracker v2.1-2011

Piaster Hash Cracker v2.1-2011

Is a tool for generating and crack the following hashes

MD5 + MySQL + SHA1 + CRC32

The tool depends Brute Force technique and random generation systematic method, It also allows to deal with rainbow tables Technology , works on PHP platform.

The tool contains several different ways to generate passwords and then encrypted

And search within the database for hash matching.

New in version:

- Add new extension to load ready password list files of various extensions such as txt, html ... etc

- correct eight errors in the previous release.
- Correct length of MySQL hash for Unix and Windows Systems between the systems , Windows and Unix.
- Structure design to become more flexible

- Slight modification to the interface to be more attractive.
- Increase the speed in the search tool.
- Add external queries to display information from generated passwords database.

Added the new version after treatment and improvements is a stable version work reliably on it.
Contains all essential task requirements

Next release:
- The ability to save passwords outside database, such as TEXT files and XML.
- Compile files in a single file for easy handling with the tool.
- Add additional Hashes.
- Add a special section for generating passwords without treatment to be used as password list for Brute force Programs.
- And some other surprise in a timely manner.

Facility with the tool .



abobakr nemairi said...

thank u vry mach for this tools its cool keep going on

ksa-hacker said...

الاداة سريعة وافضل شئ انك وضعت خيارات توليد نحددها احنا, وفكره رفع الباس لست جدا اعجبتني
صراحة الادة قوية واتوقع انها تنافس بقوة
ابدعت اخي

مالك الحزين said...

حياك الله علي المجهود الطيب اخي باستر

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